segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2014

Back to blogging!

After more than a year of silence, I've decided to resuscitate this blog. Life as a PhD student has been busy and I've tried to use my free time doing activities other than blogging about research. But I'm glad that a few people read some of my posts, specially the one about grad school.

This is a summary on my PhD so far:

1) I've worked for more than a year on the problem of compressing values over a graph. After trying lots of different approaches we came up with an algorithm called slice-tree, which decomposes the network into center-radius hierarchical partitions and compresses values inside partitions to their average.

I should write a post about this project here soon. We have submitted a paper on this called Hierarchical In-Network Attribute Compression via Importance Sampling and are now waiting for the reviews. A previous version of this paper was rejected by VLDB some months ago.

2) I've also taken some courses towards fulfilling the requirements for my degree at UC, Santa Barbara. The courses are: Computational Geometry, Combinatorial Algorithms, Advanced Topics on
Databases, Searching over Big Data and Advanced Topics in Data Mining.

3) During the last summer, I was a summer intern at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center working on spatio-temporal data management. I'm still working on this project and I should also summarize it here at some point in the future. Working at IBM was really cool and I hope I can get similar internship opportunities in the next years.

More posts soon.

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