quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2012

2012 ICWSM Conference: Accepted Papers

Here is a list of potentially interesting papers to be published in the proceedings of the ICWSM conference this year:

Learning the Nature of Information in Social Networks
Event Diffusion Patterns in Social Media
Virality and Susceptibility in Information Diffusions
Temporal Motifs Reveal the Dynamics of Editor Interactions in Wikipedia
Modeling Spread of Disease from Social Interactions
Modeling Destructive Group Dynamics in On-line Gaming Communities
What Were the Tweets About? Topical Associations between Public Events and Twitter Feeds
Cross-Community Influence in Discussion Fora
Have You Heard?: How Gossip Flows through Workplace Email
The Emergence of Conventions in Online Social Networks
Modeling Diffusion in Social Networks Using Network Properties
The YouTube Social Network
On the Study of Social Interactions in Twitter
Modeling Polarizing Topics: When Do Different Political Communities Respond Differently to the Same News?
SearchBuddies: Bringing Search Engines into the Conversation

Twitter is still hot (but for how long?). Many papers on social influence/propagation/diffusion. The fact that most of the papers are about online social networks is something kind of scaring, seems like an academic bubble.

Link: http://icwsm.org/2012/program/program/

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